
年份: 2024-02-06 

地区: 欧美 

主演: 戚(qi)士铭,缑子昂解高怡,森仁会 

导演: 卞香之(zhi),信忆霜(shuang)宰父银(yin)含,公西凝荷 

类型: 一点资(zi)讯 

第01集 第02集 第03集 第04集 第05集 第06集 第07集 第08集 第09集 第10集 第11集 第12集 第13集 第14集 第15集 第16集 第17集 第18集 第19集 第20集 第21集 第22集 第23集 第24集 第25集 第26集 第27集 第28集 第29集 第30集 第31集 第32集 第33集 第34集 第35集 第36集 第37集 第38集 第39集 第40集 更新时间:2024-04-20 15:50:32 作者(zhe):一点资讯
3. Use object instead of string to record the current state, which makes the state switching more clear at a glance. We are not in a hurry to write the code, We can look at a column first. For example, there are many front-end recruitment information in QQ Group recently. I have also received many phone calls from companies or headhunters asking me if I need to find a job. Of course, I don't plan to find a job now, because I have more spare time to deal with my own affairs, so I also think it is quite good ~ Let's look at the interview process in recruitment first. Interview process for many large companies, such as BAT, the interview process is actually very similar. Therefore, we can summarize the interview process as follows: Factory Pattern: Factory Pattern is a frequently used pattern. Classes implemented according to Factory Pattern can generate instances of one of a group of classes according to the provided data. Usually, this group of classes has a common abstract parent class and implements the same methods, but these methods perform different operations for different data. First of all, we need to define a base class. Subclasses of this class implement methods in the base class through different methods. Then you need to define a factory class that can generate different subclass instances according to conditions. After getting an instance of a subclass, developers can call methods in the base class regardless of which subclass instance is returned. We can see the above code. The code for creating div is very similar to the code for creating iframe. We can now consider separating the common code to make the code completely abstract. We can now write a set of code that is encapsulated in the getInstance function, as follows: For example, first define a function, which has three methods, namely win, lose and die. As long as a player dies, the game is over and its opponent needs to be informed of victory. The code needs to be written as follows: First of all, we still define the methods of Hero constructor and Hero object prototype. In these prototype methods of Hero object, we are no longer responsible for the specific execution logic, but transfer the operation to the intermediary object, which is responsible for doing specific things. We can name the intermediary object playerDirector;. Original link: http://blog.csdn.net/zhangerqing Note: The singleton methods used in Android source code include: InputMethodManager, AccessibilityManager, etc. all use this singleton mode.

Combination function is to encapsulate various algorithms into small functions one by one, for example, if level A is used, encapsulate a small function, if level B is used, encapsulate a small function, and so on; The following code: For example, first define a function, which has three methods, namely win, lose and die. As long as a player dies, the game is over and its opponent needs to be informed of victory. The code needs to be written as follows:

The Intermediary Mode Realizes the Column of Purchased Goods 6. Understanding of Command Mode 2. Then add a cache list to the publisher to store callback functions to notify subscribers (for example, the above buyer has collected the seller's store, and the seller has collected a list list of the store). Console.log ("the leader has come for an interview"); Next, you need to bind the two buttons to click events respectively: Then we must have written the following code before: 3. The state switching is not obvious, only the state variable is assigned, such as this.state = 'weakLight'. In actual development, such operations are easily missed by programmers. There is no way to clearly understand how many states there are in the light unless you patiently read all the code in the buttonWasPressed method. When there are many kinds of states, the process of a switch seems to be buried in a dark corner of a huge method. Console.log (application. A); //aa The above code, let's run and print as follows: Interview.prototype.waitNotice = function () { We know that for the above code, Xiao Hong subscribes to shoeObj, an object that buys shoes, but if we need to subscribe to buying houses or other objects in the future, we need to copy the above code and change the object code inside again. For this reason, we need to encapsulate the code.

Summary: All codes are as follows: Three, commonly used ways of use

Let's continue to use the monomer mode to implement a pop-up demo;. Let's not discuss the use of single mode to achieve, we want to see how we usually write code to achieve the pop-up effect; For example, we have a pop-up window, which is definitely hidden by default. When I click, it needs to be displayed. Write the following code:

1. First of all, we must think about who is the publisher (such as the seller above). Interview.prototype.waitNotice = function () {

The advantages of the responsibility chain model are: Just pass the request to the first node. Next, define the Light.prototype.init method, which is responsible for creating a real button node in the page. Assuming that this button is the switch button of the light, when the onclick event of the button is triggered, that is, when the light switch is pressed, the code is as follows: 2. Refactoring the code with a combination function 美国vs欧洲vs东亚电影 Understand the basic principle of using single mode to realize pop-up window. Validator.add (registerForm.password, 'min Length: 6 ',' Password length cannot be less than 6 bits'); The first scheme is to use the general coding method to realize the preloading technology of the picture. First, create the imgNode element, Then when the method myImage.setSrc is called, a preloaded picture is given to the picture first, and when the picture is loaded, the img element is assigned a value. The second scheme is implemented by using proxy mode. MyImage function is only responsible for creating img elements, proxy function ProxyImage is responsible for setting loading pictures for the picture, and when the picture is really loaded, myImage.setSrc method in myImage is called to set the path of the picture. The advantages and disadvantages between them are as follows: Although the above pop-up code has completed the effect of creating pop-up windows using single mode, the code is not universal. For example, the above is the code for completing pop-up windows. What if we need an iframe on the page in the future? Do we need to rewrite a set of code to create iframe? For example, create an iframe as follows: 3. The reusability of the algorithm is poor. If another form is added to the program and this form also needs some similar validation, then we may need to copy the code again. 2. Then add a cache list to the publisher to store callback functions to notify subscribers (for example, the above buyer has collected the seller's store, and the seller has collected a list list of the store).

The code in the fourth step has some changes, putting the logical behavior corresponding to the state in the Upload class: < button id= "count" > Point Me

In actual development, many scenes can be simulated by state machines, for example, a drop-down menu has display, suspension, hiding and other states under hover action. A TCP request has the states of establishing connection, listening, closing, etc. In a combat game, the characters are attacked, defended, jumped, fell, etc. State mode and policy mode are like twins. They both encapsulate a series of algorithms or behaviors. Their class diagrams look almost identical, but their intentions are very different, so they are two very different modes. The policy pattern and the state pattern have in common that they both have a context, policies or state classes to which the context delegates the request to execute 2. Use data to make an animation. First of all, we still define the methods of Hero constructor and Hero object prototype. In these prototype methods of Hero object, we are no longer responsible for the specific execution logic, but transfer the operation to the intermediary object, which is responsible for doing specific things. We can name the intermediary object playerDirector;. For the first point, we also often use it in our daily work, such as our Ajax request, which has a success and error callback function, and we can subscribe to Ajax success and error events. We don't care about the state of the object running asynchronously, we only care about success or error when we have to do something of our own ~ The basic structure of the code is seen above, but we also need an initialization method. The code is as follows: CalculateBouns function lacks elasticity. If there is still a D level, then we need to add an if statement to judge the D level in the CalateBouns function. Est (2, true, 500); This method does not match from the first node order500 in the chain, returns the success string, and then this.success & & this.successor.passRequest.apply (this.success, arguments); Execute this code; As we said above, the attribute this.Successor refers to two methods, order200 and orderNormal, so the method order200 is called, so the value is returned, and so on. Then if we want to recharge 300 yuan's red envelopes in the future, we can write the function Order300, then list the chain chain and package it, and specify the order in the responsibility chain. The business logic inside does not need to be processed. I don't know if you have ever played the game of hero killing. In the earliest days, heroes killed 2 people (enemies and themselves respectively). For this game, we first use ordinary functions to implement the following:

